Sunday, February 18, 2007

Art Is a Gift-Don't Sell It?

Art Is a Gift-Don't Sell It?
Martin Plant
(c) 2007 All Rights Reserved

When I am out there knocking on doors trying to sell my art, I get all kinds of remarks from the public. The one that really used to bother me was when someone said: "Art is a gift. You shouldn't sell it." Every artist falls for that line the first few times they hear it. I did too. I would suddenly feel guilty. I would say nothing. I felt as if I was doing something wrong. I would stop trying to sell my art.

And yet, like all other people, I had expenses. There was rent, food and clothing to buy. I had to pay for my paints, brushes, expensive paper, and lots of other costly items that make up an artist's itinerary.

So I wasn't quite sure why these people were saying this about not selling my art. Did they really believe it? Did they feel that artists were something special and selling our work was unheard of? Or maybe these people were just trying to con us into giving them our work for free! Ah ha. that could be it.

Then one day I woke up. I asked the person making this comment what they did for a living. The answer could have been anything from "I'm a lawyer". Or a chartered account, teacher, bookkeeper, manager, janitor, cook, doctor,etc, etc. And I would answer "Well, that's your gift. Are you doing this work for free?"

The person would look uncomfortable. He would mutter something. "That's not a gift." And I would say, "Yes, it is. Anything you do well is a gift--and you're getting paid to do it. But, if that bothers you, then why not work for free? Just like you're asking me to do. I'll work for free if you will too."

These people usually make more mutterings. Then they go away. But I think my remark is catching on. Some artists are starting to use it. These days I tell it to all the public. I especially tell it to artists. So, If you're an artist and are trying to sell your work then keep my words in mind. "I'll work for free if you will too." It will make trying to sell your art go a little easier.

(Let me hear your comments--whether you're an artist or the public. Such as what you do to sell your art.)

Martin Plant: Illustrator , Fine Artist, Cartoonist
Magazine illustrations and book cover art
portraits,surreals,still lifes.